Dealers Wanted for Malaysia wide partnership

Our door closers offer exceptional durability and attractive appearance. In 1963, Ryobi commercialized the first die cast door closer, to widespread acclaim. Numerous hit products have followed, featuring original mechanisms with superior functionality and new aluminum alloys that enhance durability.

High Quality Products

Ryobi aspires to play an essential role in everyday life based on a lifestyle-oriented mind-set and reliable technology. We aim to provide the ultimate in comfort for residences and offices, and are developing products that are not only functional and safe, but which also adhere to barrier-free and other universal design principles and pay heed to environmental protection. In addition, we are striving to ensure the supply of products that satisfy our customers in terms of quality, function and price and, to this end, leveraging the strength of production sites in Japan and China.

Door Closers

Concealed Door Closers

Overhead Concealed Door Closers

Floor Hinges

Sliding Door Closers


Why us?

Our Strength

Ryobi has the most reliable and advanced Door Closers in the world

World Leader

Ryobi is a world-leading die casting manufacturer.

Competitive Pricing

Good Quality products with competitive pricing

Product Guarantee

Our door closers offer exceptional durability and attractive appearance

77 Years Experience

We handle all processes in-house, from die design and fabrication to casting, machining and assembly.

Great Support

Ryobi has a global system for meeting customer needs around the world.

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